Monday, May 26, 2008

Last post!

Congratulations to all of the new graduates of Oberlin College!

This past week has been crazy and this week will get even crazier. I need to write a paper in the next two days, go to Moscow, come back and pack, and get on an airplane to go home.

If you want to hear about all of the fun things I've done in my final two weeks in Russia, you'll have to contact me once I'm back in the States (which you should do anyways).

My schedule:

June 1st-7th : Philadelphia
June 7th-12th: Pittsburgh
June 12th-end of summer: Aspen, CO.

Let me know if you'll be in any of those places!

Also, look at the youtube videos for the Eurovision entries from Spain, France, and Latvia...they're hilarious. Obviously, Russia won!

Thanks for reading my blog this semester and I look forward to seeing all of you soon!

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